Plan Member Support

Employee health and wealth plans are a key part of people's personal finances. However, many individuals often require planning that goes beyond their group plans. Our role is to support your employees through every step of their lives, and that does not stop when they retire from your company.

Education - we provide education sessions so that each employee understands the plan, their options, and that the plan is utilized as it is intended.

Onboarding - we meet with clients individually to support them with onboarding. This includes navigating potential options in the plan to best meet their individual needs.

Personal Analysis - as part of our individual meetings, we look at all aspects of any employees finances to identify potential gaps or opportunities, and areas where they may have needs separate from the group plan.

Advice - we offer recommendations and advice in creating a sound-proof personal financial plan that incorporates employees group plans, personal assets, and risk mitigation.

Ongoing Support - we are always available as a resource for employees regardless if they are still in the group or not. If a client needs assistance with any aspects of their finances, we are just a phone call away.

Retirement - planning for retirement can often times go beyond a group pension plan or RRSP. Each person has a different idea of how their retirement should look. Our job is to sit down with your employees and help them develop a clear roadmap that will lead them into their ideal retirement. We will continue to support them throughout retirement as well.

Goals Definition
Plan Monitoring
Ongoing Client Support